Download wordperfect free
Download wordperfect free

If you want to have a copy of WordPerfect on a CD-ROM it will cost approximately $3.00 from LinuxCentral. The old boxed distribution of Red Hat Linux had WordPerfect in the Applications CD-ROM, but no longer from verson 7 on. Before you start, I suggest you create a downloads directory in a user account ( /home/user/downloads) to store the compressed packages as you download them.Ĭorel made available a free Personal Edition of WordPerfect 8 for Linux, which you can download locally at UB here. Server software packages are discussed in other, specific, tutorials. Another tutorial covers Internet applications like: Netscape, Real Player, Acrobat Reader, XDIR (a graphical FTP), asWedit (an HTML editor) and Java for Linux. In this tutorial we will discuss the installation of Office packages - WordPerfect, KOffice and StarOffice, to round up your application toolchest.

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You may wish to place an icon for these application on the desktop, as discussed in the KDE tutorial. Netscape Communicator, Telnet, E-Mail - graphical POP clients and Pine, FTP, Chat, Network utilities, File Manager, Text Editor, GIMP, Icon Editor, Paint, PostScript viewer, CD and Media Player, Image Capture (Snapshot), Calculator, Sticky notes, Numeric spreadsheet, etc, are included in the distribution and installed automatically.

download wordperfect free

You should also install KDE to complement the basic set of applications. The installation of Red Hat distribution also installs a variety of applications for you. Guide to some basic application software installation Guide to some basic application software installation

Download wordperfect free